You can support Living Media International’s efforts to bring creative education solutions to rural Haiti!

Living Media International is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. We operate with a volunteer board of directors, and administrative costs are covered by the board, so 100% of your designated donation goes to the cause.

Priority Needs

Your undesignated donation will help us address our current priority needs which include:

  • New Life School Daily Meals

  • New Life Teacher Support

  • Teaching Artist Supplies


Contact us about volunteer opportunities in Haiti or in the US. Individuals as well as groups can lend a hand!


To donate to us online, please use the button below and you will be taken to a page to donate securely by credit, debit, or bank account.

Make it a monthly donation

Not only does automatic payment make supporting LMI easier for you, but it is a tremendous gift to us, because consistent donations allow for our team to budget and plan more effectively.

Sponsoring a student at New Life School is just $25 per month.